

 Concerning the Taqwa and 'Ilm of Imam Abu Hanifah

In Defense of Imam Nu’man bin Thabit al Kufi,
Abu Hanifah رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ


 This article was written in response to a posting on Mu'min Net entitled "Unity and Dawah Message for Allah Fearing Muslims" and the response to it by brother Shiraz Muhammad 'Ali. Brother Muhammad 'Ali posed certain questions and furnishes his answers to said questions. In the process he has belittled Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah 'alaihi in several places and confuses the issues in other places. On the other hand, many misguided youth in an attempt to "protect deen from bid'ah" attribute their lack of knowledge of a thing to the "vile innovations of the Sufi’s". Simply because one does not have knowledge of a thing is not proof that it is incorrect or bid'ah. I once remember hearing a brother (some years ago) say, "That can't be right, I never heard of that." It amazed me how someone could say a thing was not right, while admitting he didn't know. The arrogance and sheer ignorance of the statement amazed me.


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