
The Light of Sight
Translation of Nūr al-Úyūn – Biography of the Prophet

صلى الله عليه وآله  وسلم

 nabi noor1

Thus said the meticulous research scholar, the imām, Shaykh Fat’ĥuddīn Abu’l Fat’ĥ Muĥammad ibn Muĥammad ibn Muĥammad ibn Sayyidi’n Nās al-Yámurīy ar-Rabýiy – may Allāh táālā sanctify his secret:

Praise be to Allāh táālā who opens the doors [of Grace] when He is called upon; and He, who bestows the means of guidance; Salutations and blessings be upon His Prophet Muĥammad  صلى الله عليه وآله  وسلم, whom Allāh táālā sent as a guide to those who accepted guidance; and as a proof4 against those who turned away; and [salutations be] upon his descendants and his companions who loved and cherished his صلى الله عليه وآله  وسلم tradition all their lives.

Úyūn al-Athar fī Funūn al-Maghāzī wa’sh Shamāyil wa’s Siyar is a comprehensive biography that I have compiled; a copious and ample resource for seekers of this knowledge. After its completion, I felt that an abridged version would facilitate quick reference, and would be easy to read and to carry. It is a book that imparts knowledge to the beginner and serves as a review for the master. Hence, I have summarised it in these pages, and named it The Light of Sight – A Concise Biography of the Trustworthy, the Divinely Protected.


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