bismblackDua’ Ukaasha

Ukaasha is an Arabic word meaning “the web of a Spider”.  This is a web that the Shaytan spreads and a person is thereby trapped in it.  Once the person is trapped in this web, the shaytan influences the person to do evil deeds.  This dua is recited to keep shaytan and shayateen away. And to keep the web that the shaytan has spun from engulfing the individual. Once engulfed  in this web, the individual may not even realize they are involved in all sorts of sins. This is  due to  the venomous bite of the spider (shaytan wa iyyadhu Billah) befogging the intellect and infecting the heart. The victim may feel so overwhelmed by the waswasa of shaytan that they see no way out. So Inshaa’ Allah whenever a person recites Dua’a Ukaasha, Bi Ithnillahi ta ‘ala, Allahu ta’ala will show them the way out. He or she will be kept away from any kind of evil design the shaytan may have intended for he or she.

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