![]() ![]() Taken from Rauza-tus-Safa His name is Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hâshim ibn ‘Abd Munâf ibn Qusayy ibn Kelâb ibn Lu’ayy ibn Ghâlib ibn Qahr ibn Mâlak ibn Nasser ibn Kanatah ibn Mudrikah ibn Ilyâs ibn Nasser ibn Adnân. This blessed genealogy of the Holy Nabî (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) is agreed upon up to Adnân, though discrepancies arise when research ascends above the latter. Nevertheless, all historians agree unanimously in placing six of Allah’s Ambiya—Ismâ’îl (‘alaihis-Salaam), Ibrâhîm (‘alaihis-Salaam), Hûd (‘alaihis-Salaam), Nûh (‘alaihis-Salaam), Idrîs (‘alaihis-Salaam), and Sheeth (‘alaihis-Salaam)—into the genealogy of the Seal of Ambiya (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), reaching as far back as Hadrat Adam (‘alaihis-Salaam), the father of mankind. Record of the Holy Parents of Nabi Muhammad—Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa SallamThe beginning of the family of Prophecy has already been recorded above by way of synopsis; the details, however, of their virtues and actions are as follows: The father (of blessed memory and glorious character) of Muhammad, the Nabî of Allah (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was ‘Abdullah (‘alaihis-Salaam), distinguished and prominent among the youths of the Quraish tribe by the perfection of his character, the nobility of his descent, the pleasantness and beauty of his demeanor, the generosity of his manners, the goodness of his deeds, the affability of his qualities, and the elegance of his behavior. In pulchritude and amiability, he was the Yusuf of his time. The light of the start of Nabî Muhammad’s Nubuwwah shone from the beauty of his aspect, and the radiation of the sun of Sayyidina Ahmad’s (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) Risalah was evident from his heart-rejoicing countenance. It is said that Aminah was in the bosom of the family of her uncle Wahab, the son of Abd Munâf, when Abdul-Muttalib sued for her hand in favor of his son, 'Abdullah, and that he at the same courted Hâilah, the daughter of Wahab, for himself. Both weddings took place simultaneously, and afterwards Hâilah gave birth to Hamzah, and Aminah to the Last of Prophets (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). According to an authentic tradition, Abdullah went to Syria before the birth of the Nabî of Allah (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam); according to another he was on his return from it; and yet, according to another, he was on his way to it, whilst some say that he went to purchase dates, and than, when he reached Madinah, the destroyer of joys demolished the castle of his existence so that he died, and was buried on the premises called Dar-un-nâilah. He had attained the age of twenty-five, and according to others of thirty years, but AllahTa'ala knows best. |
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