Slandering the 'Ulema and  Shuyukh of Tariqah
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On Slandering the ‘Ulama and the Pious Shaikhs of Tasawwuf

In Defense of True Islamic Belief

(With a warning to the silent ‘Ulama)
















As we draw nearer the Hour of Qiyaamah, there   seems   to be a Proliferation of agents of kufr and batil (falsehood) raising their heads in an attempt to confound the Muslim Ummah.    The latest target of their attack on Deen ul Haqq has been the true Muslim leadership found in the form of the ‘Ulama ul Haqq who practice the knowledge of Deen that have acquired and envision living In Islamic states where Shari’ah is enforced in letter and spirit, as well as the pious Shaikhs of Tasawwuf who strive to uplift the Ummat by teaching them how to adhere to Deen in letter and spirit.    These two champions of True Deen, The 'Ulama ul Haqq   and the Pious Shaikhs   of Tasawwuf are the very heartstrings of   the   Ummah.   If   they   can   be eliminated, that is, if love of the 'True 'Ulama and the Pious Shaikhs can be removed from the hearts of the Muslims then the enemy will be able to vanquish the Ummah.    Allahu ta ‘ala has promised those who have Imaan and do pious deeds that He will establish them as the power on earth, that He will change their state of fear   to a state of peace and security, because the worship Him and don't commit shirk of anything with him.     The job of the agents of Shaytaan is to turn the Muslimeen away from those who would safeguard their Deen, and safeguard their Imaan.     These guardians are the 'Ulama ul Haqq and the Pious Shaikhs of Tasawwuf.


We have attempted in this brief tract    to    bring    out    certain deficiencies in key elements of the arguments of the modernists, and the Wahhaabi/Salafiyya movement in their attack on the Deen ul Haqq.  Our hope is that some of the ‘Ulama ul Haqq will take up the challenge and having been put to shame by this effort of a few simple Muslims, lovers of the 'Ulama ul Haqq and the Mashaaikhul Tasawwuf.


We have attempted to do what the silent  'Ulama have failed to do In the United States with the hope that perhaps they will arise, warn and enlighten the Muslim Ummah here In the United States and give those who follow Ahl as Sunnah wal Jam’aat the true leadership we are in need of. This is an age where those who wish to mention the transgressions and tyranny of the corrupt 'Ulama and the abandonment of the Sunnah are given demeaning titles.   Those who speak out against transgression in the masaajid throughout the United States are accused of causing fitnah. "Don't cause fitnah brother,” they say when open violations of Shari'ah and the Sunnah are mentioned.


Where are the Ulama ul Haqq who champion the Cause of Islam?  Where are the True 'Ulama and Pious Shaikhs of Tasawwuf who arouse the believers to fight in defense of the Deen. They seem to be few and far between. Those who have the Imaan and courage to take up the challenge are labeled "ignorant, fanatical, militant, fundamentalists," while the hypocrites who would compromise our Pristine Deen     are     labeled enlightened, educated, moderate and level headed.


 If this tract succeeds in reaching some believing Muslim and inspires his heart to practice Deen in letter and spirit, the Praise is for Allahu ta 'ala and only the mistakes are ours. We pray that those sincere Mu'mineen in the Arabian Peninsula do not fall prey to the propaganda put out by the Wahhaabi movement that the Ajami 'Ulama are anti Arab.


We hope some of the sincere lovers of truth will find it in their hearts to reproduce this tract and distribute it free of charge to the Muslimeen in the United Stated and Canada as well as any other area they feel might benefit from it. May Allahu ta ‘ala keep us on the correct path and not cause us to deviate after having found our way ameen.


Ghulam Yaseen Khan Ghazi







Alhamdulillah we praise Him and seek His Aid and His Forgiveness.  We seek refuge In Allahu ta ‘ala from the evils of our lower desires and from deeds which will not benefit us Hereafter. We bear witness that then is none worthy of worship except Allahu ta ‘ala and we bear witness that Sayyidinaa wa Mawlana Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger.


0 Allahu ta  'ala send countless numbers of Salawaat and Barakat on the Best of the Created Being our Sayyid and Your Habeeb, our Mawlanaa Muhammad and on his family and his companions and the pious worshippers until the day of Judgment, with truth.


"Whoever ridicules three persons is not a Muslim.”


Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim said:


"He is not from my Ummat who disrespects our elders and has no mercy for our youth and does not give due reverence to our scholars/'ulama.”


Further Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim says:


"Whoever ridicules three persons is not a Muslim, but a munafiq (hypocrite). One who has grown old in Islam, then the one with ‘Ilm (the Ulama ul Haqq) and the Muqsit Imam (the Just Ruler following the right path.”


Alhamdulillah. Allahu ta  'ala Is the Knower of the open and the secret and we are but his humble servants seeking his Rahmah and Fadhilat.  Our salvation     lies     in     adhering wholeheartedly  to  Holy  Qur'an  and Sunnah  and  shunning,  abhorring and rejecting all of the advices,  ways and  customs  of  the  kuffar.  Our salvation lies in turning away from those who oppose the Din ul Haqq and in mobilizing all of our energies and resources in the Divine cause.


Sadly   many   in   the   Ummati Muhammadi Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim have joined hands with the Kuffar in an attempt to extinguish the Light of Islam.    They  attempt  to extinguish the  Noor  of  Islam  by  blowing with their foul mouths, misinterpreting Al Qur'an Karim and the Sunnah as well as through the outright slander and ridicule of those 'Ulama and Awliyaa who have dedicated themselves to the dominance of this Din ul Haqq.


Some of  these supposed  "Muslim scholars" as well as their supporters from   amongst    the    "Kings    and Presidents" of Muslim countries have     surrendered     to    kuffar domination. It Is quite obvious that those with Imaan would be repulsed by submission or domination by anything or anyone other than Allahu ta 'alaIn the sick minds of those so-called  'Ulama  who  have  deviated  from  the Siraatul Mustaqim ( 'Ulama i Soo ),   any 'Alim or Shaikh ul Tariqah with the sincere desire to participate in the promise of Allahu ta  'ala to cause His Din to dominate even though the Kuffar    may    detest    it,     are automatically  labeled  fanatical  or ignorant,  if  they  are 'Ulama  and labeled "Sufi extremists" If they are Mashaaikhul  Tariqah  (  Shaikhs  of Tariqah ).


As a final act of desperation in the United States,  the  followers of the Wahhaabi Mathhab have resorted to Slandering   the   'Ulama   and   the Mashaaikh who have pledged themselves to  the  task  of  actively  spreading this  Din  ul  Haqq  through  Deeni Ta'leem and  Tazkiah  wa  Tasfiyyatun Nafs   (   Through   discipline   and purifying the animal passions ) and through  fighting  those  who  fight those who believe in Allahu ta 'ala and the last day.


The nature of Nifaq is that of the munafiq presenting himself as a sincere believe, a champion of the Din while at  the same time bearing allegiance to  the  enemies  of  Islam  and  the Mu'mineen.


Among  the  indigenous Muslims  in the United States a movement is afoot to return to the practice of  Islam according to the  Ahl As Sunnah wal Jam'aat way which means following one of the Aimmatul Mathaahib (Imams of the  four  authentic schools  of Islamic  Jurisprudence.)   More and more  the  indigenous  Muslims  are turning   to   those   countries   who believe according to the way of Ahl as Sunnah wal Jam’aat and away from the   Wahhaabi   Movement   and   its supporters  from  among  the  "royal family"  in Arabia (  I dare not say Saudi as Arabia and its contents i.e. Baytullah   and Masjid  un  Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim are not the property or possession of the Saud family  or  the  Wahhaabi/Salafiyya  Movement  ).



Slander: A Tenet of Wahaabism?


Among the tactics of the 'Ulama-i- Soo (  the misguided 'ulama  ) is that of attempting to refute the practices and  beliefs  of  Ahl  as  Sunnah  wal Jam'aat.  They  spare  no  effort  in writing and issuing  fataawa of kufr and bid 'a against the  'Ulama ul Haqq and  the  Mashaaikh  of  Tariqah.  The "Evil 'Ulama”  attempt  to  refute  the validity of  Islamic teachings which the   Ummati   Muhammadi    Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim has  inherited from the very age of the Sahaabah   Rathi Allahu ta ala alaihim ajma'in.


Since as yet they are fearful of a direct    onslaught    against    the Sahaabah, they have chosen those who are  the  closest  to  the  Sahaabah,  viz a viz  the  'Ulama  ul  Haqq  (   the  true Islamic  Scholars  )  to  fix  as  a target  for  their  vilification in their  campaign  of  kufr and  baatil directed against the Shari’ah.  About  such  individuals who would hurl their slanders from mimbar or by writing their misguided opinions in books which receive the patronage of the   Saudi   Government   and   their publishing houses in Riyadh,  in an attempt  to  present  themselves  as Islamic authorities,  Allahu ta ‘ala says:


"Indeed, those who dispute in the Ayaah of Allah without proof (or Islamic Knowledge)    having come  to them, in their hearts is nothing but (the  burning  desire  for)  pride (but) they will not attain it."


Such individuals are in deed deceived by   the   deceptions   of   Shaitaan li'anatullahu ta 'ala alaihi  and about then Allahu ta 'ala says:


"What  do you not  see those who dispute in the Ayaah of Allah?  How are they wandering in deception?"


Hadith  Sharif  abound  with   many narrations giving us a description of  the evil  'Ulama and their harm.  Of these ahadith we have;


"Abdullah   lbn  'Amr   lbn   Al   'As Rathi Allahu ta ala anh reported that Allah's Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim as saying:  "Indeed Allah does  not  take  away  knowledge  by snatching to from the people but He takes away knowledge by taking away the scholars ('Ulama ul Haqq), so that He leaves no learned person. People  turn  to  ignorants  as  their leaders;   then  they  are  asked  to deliver religious verdict (Fataawa) and   they   deliver   then   without knowledge,  they go astray,  and lead others astray."

                                                              Sahih of  Imam Muslim.


The  truth  of  this  hadith  is evident in this day and age wherein the  ignorant  have  become  accepted authorities without  just cause and give discourses    without   insight into the tenets of Deen ul Haqq.  This hadith  makes  clear  reference  to those   Muslim   scholars   who   have corrupted  scholarship  by  viewing true Den as being out dated and in need of reformation.  They assume In their  narrow  mindedness  that  the giant intellectuals of Islam from the time of Tabi Tabi'een have all gone astray and  they  (the Wahhaabi/Salafiyy  and their camp followers ) are alone in the pristine practice of  Din.  They  suppose that all of the Muslims from right  after  the  time  of  Sahaabah Rathi Allahu ta  'ala alaihim ajma'in are all miscreants and apostates from Islam.


The  purpose  of  upstart  deviant movements operating under the guise of  Islamic  reform  movements  is  to make  Islam "conform  to the western trend of  thought",  thereby stripping Islam   of   it's   natural   luster,  relegating   Islam  a   position   In society much the same as Judaism and Christianity are,  religious systems empty of any  real  impact  on human life and spiritual enlightenment.





The  misguided  pseudo—scholars  ('Ulama-I-Soo)  suffer from a deep-seated love thing western and out of  as necessity, to appear enlightened to their western masters, attack those who oppose the  western kufr  Ideology. There  are  several distinguishing  characteristics, earmarks so to speak of the deviated 'Ulama,  i.e.


1.      Denial  of  the  necessity  of following  one of the four schools of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh).

2.      Denial  of  the  necessity  of Dhikr  (recollection of Allahu ta 'ala through incantation of Kalima or His Names and Attributes.

3.      Denial  of  the  necessity  of reciting  Darood  (  Salaat ‘alan Nabiyy  )  and Salaam   on   Sayyidinaa   Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.

4.      Denial  of  the  Importance  of Islamic culture ( Sunnah ).

5.      Denial   of   the  validity  of Tasawwuf ( having bayaat on the path of Suluk to a competent Shaikh of Tariqah).

6.      Denial    of    souls    having consciousness upon physical death.

7.      Vilification of the  'Ulama ul Haqq and the Awliyaa ( pious Muslim Shaikhs who adhere to Holy Qur'an and Sunnah in letter are spirit).


Denial of the Necessity of Following One Mathhab


For   the   deviated 'Ulama   the relegation of Islam to the status of religion  is  necessary  in order  to foist  western "culture" and  domination onto the backs of the Mu’mineen.  The first step toward such a task would to be to attack the vary basis upon which Islamic Society is built, that of genuine Islamic Jurisprudence. Fiqh is the shield that protects Islam and the Muslims from the thrust of the enemy.


The deviated 'ulama attack the necessity of Following Taqlid ( an  authentic  Islamic  authoritative  source  i.e.  Islamic Schools of Fiqh).  Fiqh is the root of the tree of Islamic sciences and the foundation of the edifice of Islam.    It is the crowning glory of the Islamic way.      Through   Fiqh,   the basic principles governing everyday life are learned and through Fiqh Islamic society is governed.    Fiqh covers every aspect of life and social dealings.    From  the profession of Imaan ( faith ) to the performance of Salaah (Islamic Prayers), Adaab ( etiquette  in  family  life,  marriage and divorce,   crime and  punishment,  economic,   internal   and   external security,  economics etc.


The  foundation  of  all  Islamic practices  is   "lthn "    or permission firstly from Allahu ta 'ala, then  from  the Holy  Prophet Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim i.e. The Holy Qur'an Shareef and the Sunnah (actions done or permitted by The Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim ).





The acceptance without proof of a statement of another on the belief that the statement is being made in accordance  with   facts  and  proof (daleel) is called Taqleed.


Hadhrat    Aswaad    Bin    Yazid Rathi Allahu anhu narrates:


" Hadhrat  Mu'aath (  Rathi Allahu ta ala anhu ) came to us in Yemen as a   teacher   and   commander. We questioned him regarding a man who had died leaving (as his heir) a daughter and a sister.   He decreed half the estate for the daughter and half for the sister.  This was while Rasulullah   Sall Allahu   alaihi   wa Sallim was alive.”                                                                                                                                                                               Bukhari and Muslim


From this hadith Shareef we can see that Taqleed was in vogue during the time of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  The questioner (in the hadith) didn't ask for proof from Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.  He accepted the ruling on the integrity, piety and righteousness of Hadhrat Mu'aath lbn Jabal Rathi Allahu ta ‘ala anhu. This is a perfect example of Taqleed. This hadith proves that  the concept of  Taqleed  Shakhsi   (accepting  a ruling on Islamic law without asking for proof)  has been around since the  time  of  Rasulullah  Sall Allahu  alaihi    wa    Sallim.    Holy  Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu  alaihi   wa  Sallim  had appointed Hadhrat Mu'aath Rathi Allahu ta  'ala  anhu  to  provide  religious instruction to the people of Yemen.


It is  therefore     evident     that Rasulullah   Sall Allahu   alaihi   wa Sallim  granted  the  people  of  Yemen the right and permission ( lthn ) to follow   the   Mathhab   of Hadhrat Mu'aath Rathi Allahu ta  'ala anh  in all affairs of Deen.


The evil 'ulama dare not outright attack the  principles of Taqleed so they attack  It   by saying  that  the followers of a Mathhab must know the proof upon which the ruling of the Mathhab is based, and to accept the ruling  without  proof  is  shirk  (to worship someone or something beside Allahu ta 'ala ).


“The Wahhaabi book “Fath-ul- Majeed” says on It Its 66, 107 and 386th pages that it is necessary to do Ijtihaad in every time.   It says on its 387 and 390th pages that those who follow a Mathhab should know the proofs of their Mathhab.  If they do not know they become polytheists. On Its 432nd page, it contradicts itself by saying that the ignorant cannot    do Ijtihaad (draw rules of how to practice Deen directly from Holy Qur'an and Hadith).


There  is  ample  proof  that  in  this day and age when most of the people are concerned with this worldly life and suffer from Hubb-e-Dunya ( love of the World  ) and follow the dictates  of  the  lower desires,  if left  alone  to  make  decisions  for themselves  the vast  majority would judge  according  to  that  which  of course appeals to the lower desires. This is evident even among the so- called 'Ulama who have strayed from the path and because of Hubb-e-Dunya write fataawa for deviated and fasiq governments in Muslim countries. Making  Heal  Hiram  and  making Haraam  Halaal, they declare  Muslims  as kuffar while accepting funds from their  corrupt  masters  for  their  work. These individuals think they are on par with the true ‘Ulama and the pious Shaikhs while shunning even the most basic of Islamic duties.



Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi ta ‘ala ‘alaihi


Hadhrat Imam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullahi ta ‘ala ‘alaihi our Imam of Fiqh was famous for his piety and seems to be the antithesis, the exact opposite of the modern day evil 'Ulama.   Their attacks on his Illustrious character to this day are infamous. Imam Abu Hanifah had commercial partners and used to support himself and hundreds of his students from his own earnings.     Imam Abu Hanifah never accepted the patronage of any King or Sultan.    For thirty years he fasted every day with the exception of the Eid days.  He spent most hours of the days giving waaz (lecturing) and answering the people’s questions in the Masjid. At night he occupied himself with Salaatul Tahajjud. For forty years he performed fajr Salaah with the wudhu he had performed for 'Ishaa night Salaah. This is the piety of lmam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah alaihi. 


After refusing to accept a court position, Imam Abu Hanifah was blessed with Martyrdom.  The Sultan ordered Imam Abu Hanifah beaten about the head.  Each day Imam Abu Hanifah refused to serve the tyrant, the number of blows was increased.  Hadhrat Imam attained Martyrdom as a result of the beatings. Following the example of Hadhrat Imam Hussain Rathi Allahu anh and Ahli Bayt he chose to stand up against corruption, fitnah, bid’a and shirk. None of the evil 'Ulama from the Wahhaabi/Salafiyy movement in Arabia and the world over come near to this piety, yet they feel that they have the  right  to  exercise  their  own judgment by interpreting the Nass ( Al  Qur'an  and  Hadith  )  and  giving  their  own  fataawa  without  correct insight (hikmah)   into   Deen   and   without  the necessary correct  Islamic Belief  ( Aqaa'eed ) .




The Wahhaabi in their ignorance and impiety feel no pangs of conscience In attacking the Muslims and fighting them.   In 1791 (1205 Hijra) the Wahhaabi movement   declared   war   on   the believers of Mecca.   It was without result.  In order to be safe from persecution some of the tribes and villagers accepted Wahhaabi doctrine. The Wahhaabi movement getting stronger captured the city of Taif In 1217. They put Muslims to the sword without the exception of women and children. In  1218  they  laid  siege  to  the Blessed  city  of  Mecca  for  three months. These Blessed descendants   of Rasulullah   Sall Allahu   alaihi   wa Sallim and   Sahaabah   Rathi Allahu   ta 'ala alaihim ajma'in ate cats, dogs, leaves and grass, finally surrendering. 


The Ahab’s tormented the  believers  and  said  "Those  who died  after  the year  500  (Hijra) became disbelievers,   "We will bring you around to Imaan". They martyred those Sunni Muslims who would not accept their corrupt doctrine. In 1220 they attacked the Blessed city of Madinah and plundered Qabarastan (cemetery) of the Sahaabah.    They demolished   all   the   tombs   and subjected the inhabitants to bitter torture and hateful treatment. Their chief, Saud, gathered the people in the Masjid un Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and said. "O you inhabitants of Madinah, today your Deen has been completed.   You have become Muslims and pleased Allah!   Do not esteem your fathers and grandfathers superstitious Deen any more.  Do not remember them with mercy.      All   of   them   died   as polytheists and disbelievers.    Our books explain how you will pray.  Be it known that the possessions, the property, the children. the wives of those who will not obey our ‘ulama are mubah (permissible) for my soldiers!   They will put you all in chains and torment you.  You will no longer stand in front of the Prophet Mausoleum and say. "As Salaamu alaika ya Rasulullah".


This then is the character of the Wahhaabi/Salafiyy and their evil ‘ulama. From these statements many of the greatest 'Ulama of Islam are All kuffar.   So for hundreds of years the Ummati Muhammadi   has   been   united   on misguidance.   We know that the Ummah would not be united on misguidance. The Wahhaabi movement and their hair-brained notions represent a small minority of those who claim to be Muslim.  The vast majority is united in the correct belief of the Ahl As Sunnah Wal Jam’aat way.     Those without knowledge and hikmah, willingly accept these Wahhaabi trained agents who come back to the United States after having learned to speak Arabic and perhaps having memorized Holy Qur’an.  On the contrary, the Ahl as Sunnah ‘Ulama received    rigorous training at the feet of 'Ulama who received training ad infinitum down to the Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.




In  the  United  States  there  Is  a conscious effort on the part of the Wahhaabi  government  of  Arabia  and their masters ( the western block ) to filter Islam through the sieve of Wahaabism   thereby   making   it ineffective.   The greatest challenge to western society and its so-called values is pristine Islam practiced as done by Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and his Sahaabah Ridhwan Allahu ta 'ala alaihim ajma’in.




The   Wahhaabi   would   strip   the believers of all those things, which increase the strength of Imaan and leave them as easy prey of Shaytaan and the Nafs.   They say that it is not permissible to do Dhikr of Allahu ta ‘ala by calling on His Names and Attributes.   Allahu ta ‘ala says in the seventeenth Sura one hundred tenth ayah:


 "Say; Call on Allah or call on Rahman; By whatever name you call on Him, to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names (Al Asma ul Husna).”


With reference to this Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Rathi Allahu ta ala anhu narrates that Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allah alaihi wa Sallim said:


"There are ninety nine names of Allah:  He who commits then) to memory would get into paradise. Verily Allah Is odd (He is One and ninety nine is an odd numbers) and He loves odd numbers.  Muslim.


The Wahaabi/Salafiyy also say it is Haraam to do Dhikr   in a group:


Aghaar Abi Muslim reported:   " I bear witness to the fact that both Abu Hurairah and Abu Saeed Khudri  ( Rathi Allahu ta 'ala alaihim ajma’in)  were present when Allah's Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim said:


“The people do not sit but they are surrounded by angels and covered by Rahmah and there descends upon them sakina   (tranquility)   as they remember (dhikr) and Allah makes mention of them to those who are near Him. Muslim




Cling tightly with all your might and power O Mu'mineen to the Book of Allahu ta 'ala and the Sunnah of our Blessed Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  Be very careful to do all of your affairs in accordance with the orders of Shari'ah.  Do dhikr of your Rabbi constantly.  Busy yourself every moment with the Dhikr of Allahu ta 'ala.    Allahu ta ala says in the sixth ayah of Sura Anfal:


“0 you with imaan Remember Allah with heart and tongue constantly! You will attain salvation."


Again in Suratul Jumu'ah tenth Ayah Allahu ta 'ala says: 


"Remember Allah frequently. You   will attain salvation (najaat) in this world and in the Hereafter." 


Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim as reported   by   Bayhaqi   Rahmatullah alaihi:


 "Those who are at the highest degree are those who perform dhikr of Allah, the symptom of Love for Allah (Hubbu Lillahi) is the love for the dhikr of Allah. The dhikr of Allah is the healing of hearts."


The Wahhaabi would deprive the Mu'mineen of this valuable tool while advocating   adherence   to   their deviated Mathhab.






The Wahaabi/Salafiyy speaks out against the sending of Salawaat and Salaam on Rasulullah   Sall Allahu   alaihi   wa sallim, saying that this is bid 'ah. but about this in Suratul Ahzaab ayah twenty-two, Allahu ta 'ala commands:


"Indeed Allah and His angels’ recite Salawaat (darood) on the Nabiyy.  0 you with imaan send Salawaat also and Salaams with worthy salutations on him."


Hadhrat Imam Zain ul Abideen Rahmatullah alaihi   says: 


"One of the  features  to be amongst Ahl  as Sunnah ( Sunni ) Is to send ( ask ) blessings  upon  the  Holy  Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu    alaihi    wa    Sallim abundantly."    


 In   the   Sharh-i- Mawaahib"     Allaama    Zirgani, Rahmatullah alaihi writes:


" The purpose  of  asking  blessing  is  to obtain   admittance   to   Allah   by following  His  commandment  and  to repay some of the rights of the Holy Prophet  Sall Allahu  alaihi  wa  sallim which are due upon him.”


An objection has been pointed out by Allaama Razi Rahmatullah alaihi in this connection:


"Since Allah Himself sends the blessings and also the angels,  then what remains the need for us to send blessings  upon  Prophet  Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim?  The reply is very simple: "We do not ask blessing upon Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim because of his need, as only Allah's blessings are enough for him and even the blessings of angels are not needed.  As a matter of fact our blessings   on   him   are   to   bear testimony of his magnificence and reverence.   It is similar to Allah's commandment in which He asks His servants to remember Him although He does not need it. "


Ahadith abound with reference to the   virtue   of   sending   Darood (salawaat) on Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.   We mention a few to further illuminate our paper:


Hadhrat Abu Hurairah Rathi Allahu ta ‘ala anh reported that he heard the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim saying: 


"To ask blessing upon me is a light on the Bridge of Sirat; and the sins of eighty years will be forgiven  of  the  person  who  asks eighty  times  blessing  upon  me  on Friday."   Allaama Sakhawi in "Qaul-i-Badi"


Hadhrat   Ruwaifah ibn Thaabit Al Ansaari   Rathi Allahu   ta  ala  anh narrated  that  he  heard  the  Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim saying: 


"My intercession becomes incumbent upon the person who says the following   salawaat:


“Allahumma salli   ‘ala Muhammadiw   wa anzilhul maq’adal muqarraba   indaka Yawmal Qiyaamah.”


  (0  Allah  shower  thy blessings  upon  Muhammad Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and select for him a nearest place  (to  thee)  and the most exalted position on the Day of Judgment.)




Among the character traits of the Wahhaabi  agents  who  operate  in  the United  States  is  an  absence  of Islamic character In manner as well as  in dress.   This writer has seen Muslim brothers who were staunch adherents to dressing according to the Sunnah and conducting   their affairs in accordance with Shari’ah. abandon    these   practices   after returning from Arabia.    Many will acknowledge this fact.  Some who were adherent to the Ahl as Sunnah  way  and  followers  of  one  of  the Imaams of the Madhhabs have given up their  Ahl  as  Sunnah  beliefs  and adopted the Wahhaabi religion of mixing all  of  the  Mathaabs  (talfeeq ).


Allahu ta 'ala forbids the worship of the lowers desires as these cannot be taken as an authority. As  a  final  dispenser  of  the message of Allahu ta 'ala, Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim alone is best   fitted  and  thereby  divinely authorized to determine the meaning of  the  Holy  Qur'an, and to  unfold  the deep wisdom contained therein.   On the basis of this Hikmah (wisdom), He alone is qualified to teach us the way to purify the souls and elevate mankind to the highest pinnacle of morality and civility.    Some of these agents go as  far as to even slander Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim saying were  he on the  scene physically among us  he Sall Allahu alaihi wa  Sallim would wear a suit and tie Astaghfirullah.


Allahu ta 'ala Says in Holy Qur'an thirty third Sura twenty first ayah:


“Indeed in the Rasul of Allah you have the Best example for anyone who looks forward toward Allah and the last Day of Judgment."


Further Allahu  ta  'ala  commands obedience   to   Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and because Allahu ta  'ala  commands  obedience  to  His Beloved Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, to  make  light  of  anything brought   by   Rasulullah  Sall Allahu alaihi  wa  Sallim    (  Istikhfaaf  ) amounts to committing an act of kufr.


Istihkfaaf as a Shar'i term means to consider something lightly or as insignificant.   It means to regard lightly or as   insignificant   any affair, belief or teaching of Deen or commandment of Shari’ah.  


 In Allaamah Taftaazaani’s (Rahmatullahu ta ‘ala Alaihi) Sharhul Aqaa’eed" we read:


"Istihaanah   (Istikhfaaf) is kufr and Istikhzaa (mocking any aspect of Deen) is kufr because they are signs of rejection (of Islam)."


About the position of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and the authority of  the Sunnah, Allahu ta 'ala  says In  the  thirty  third  aura thirty sixth ayah:


"Whenever Allah and his Rasul have decided a matter it Is not for the faithful to follow a course of their choice."


Rasulullah  Sall Allahu  alaihi  wa Sallim  has  on  numerous  occasions announced    the  prohibition  of imitating the kuffar ( Tashabbuh bil Kufr   )  saying  that  those  who imitate a people become one of them.


The  'Ulama-l-Soo (Evil 'Ulama) suggest that the commandments of Holy  Last Nabiyy  Sall Allahu  alaihi wa Sallim  were  only  valid  during his lifetime or in a limited fashion in Muslim  countries  and  that  now when Rasulullah   Sall Allahu   alaihi Sallim   is  not  physically  present there is no longer a need to follow his  commandments  and   exhortations. They treat those ahadith concerning the cultural aspect of Sunnah (eating, dressing, etiquette etc.  ) as having no practical value.   These pseudo reformers little realize that a denial of the eternal validity of the  Sunnah  amounts  to a  denial  of Allahu  ta  'ala's pronouncement that the authority of  the Sunnah not time bound;  It is universal and the Holy  Prophet  Sall Allahu  alaihi  wa Sallim  words  and  deeds  are  the timeless expression of  the will  of Allahu ta 'ala.


Every   people   have   distinct cultural traits and customs. The French, British, German,   etc  all  have distinct cultural  traits  (if  they can  be  called  cultural), which distinguishes  them  from  every  other people. They wear them proudly as a badge of honor and distinction.  As the   Ummati   Muhammadi   Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim following the laws and  injunctions of Allahu  ta  'ala, Muslims  are commanded adopt the cultural traits of the  Holy  Last Nabiyy  Sall Allahu alaihi  wa  Sallim.  We must adhere  to  the example set by The Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and rejecting the piecemeal  or wholesale  imitation  of "western  culture"  (sic)  if  there is such  a  thing  . 


  Again; the Holy Last Nabiyy Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim states. "


“Whoever imitates a people becomes one of them."




On the nature of Tasawwuf and true nature of Ahl at Tasawwuf Hadhrat Ali Hujwiri Rahmatullah alaih writes:


Murta'ish (Abu Muhammad Murta'ish Rahmatullah alaihi says: “At Tasawwuf husn al khulq,"  ' Tasawwuf (the path of the suluk) is good nature."  This is of   three sorts:    firstly, towards Allah, by fulfilling His Commandments without hypocrisy; secondly towards men.   by  paying  respect   to  one's superiors and behaving with kindness to one's inferiors and with justice to one's  equals,  and  by  not  seeking recompense  (  revenge  )  and  justice from men in general; ( for personal attacks or slanders of others  ) and thirdly  towards  one's  self  by  not following the flesh and the Shaytaan. Whoever makes himself right in these three matters is a good-natured man.  This, which I have mentioned agrees with a story, told of Hadhrat A'isha Siddiqah Rathi Allahu ta ala anha. She was asked concerning the nature of the Rasul Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  -


"Read from the Qur'an." she replied. - For Allah has given information in the place where He says: " Use indulgence and order what is good and turn away from the ignorant" (Holy Qur'an 7:198)."[1]


Here we have a brief but concise explanation   of   Tasawwuf   commonly called Sufism.  The true people of Tariqah adhere strictly to the ways and practices of Ahl as Sunnah wal Jam’aat. They do their duty to Allahu ta 'ala by observing His commandments in  letter  and  spirit  and  strictly avoiding  the  Haraam  and  even  those things, which  might  admit  to  doubt. Because Allahu ta ala has commanded obedience to Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim we do not find any sincere or competent Shaikh of Tariqah deviating from practicing the Sunnah. We find the ‘Ulama ul Haqq and The Murshid-l-Kaamil (The Murshid who practices Deen in letter and spirit) among the most uncompromising when it comes to   Islam and kufr.   They are those who have pledged their lives and their wealth to defend the honor of Islam and the Mu'mineen.  These august men have no equal and are not motivated by worldly rank or position. The  true  Shaikhs  of  Tariqah  have always been in the forefront  of all the  major  Islamic  movements  through out the Muslim world and have always  dedicated  themselves  to  aiding  in Allahu ta 'ala's  promise of Islamic domination.    They believe in this promise and they work actively against all the Shaytaanic movements be they kuffar   based or   from among   the hypocrites.


The   Wahhaabi   and   their   camp followers  are  quick  to  label  the 'Ulama  ul  Haqq  and  the  Mashaaikhul Tariqah.   The   'Ulama  ul  Haqq  are labeled ignorant and backward if they wish to establish Deen in the Muslim countries  and  the  world,  They  are labeled  fanatical  fundamentalists if they give fataawa stating that it is lawful for the Mu’mineen to do jihaad. They also label the Mashaaikhul Tariqah who also participate in this process. The sincere Shaikh is slandered, called mad,    "Militant    Sufi extremists", magician etc.


Allaama Abdul Wahhaab Sha'raani Rahmatullah Alaihi commenting on the path of the Sufis says:


“The path of the Sufis is built upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. and is based upon living according to the Morals of the Prophets and purified ones.   It may not be blamed unless it violates an explicit statement from Qur’an, Sunnah or scholarly consensus (Ijma’) exclusively.     If    it    does    not contravene one of these, the very most one may say of it is that it is an  understanding a Muslim man has been given, so let whoever wishes act upon it and whoever  does  not   refrain. This being as true of works as of understanding.  So no pretext remains for condemning it except one's own low opinion  of  others,  or  interpreting what  they  do as  ostentation  (for worldly  fame and glory), which  is unlawful.....  To   summarize,   no one denies the states of the Sufis except one ignorant of the way they are.”





The Wahhaabi/Salafiyya who attacks the Awliyaa ( friends of Allahu ta ala ) the True Shaikhs  of  Tasawwuf  calling  them  "Militant Sufi    extremists"    and fundamentalists do not realize what a great homage  they  pay  them as  they include them among the great Shaikhs of  the past  who did Jihad and were  of  the past  who did Jihad and were foremost in this regard.





In an appendix to “The Reliance of the Traveler[3] " of Shaikh Ahmad Naqib al Misri Rahmatullah Alaih, we read:


Among the Sufi' who aided Islam with sword and pen..... are such men as  the   Naqshbandi   Sheikh   Shamil Daghestani, who fought a prolonged war against the Russians in the Caucasus in  the  nineteenth  century;    Sayyid Muhammad  'Abdullah  al  Somali  a   Sheikh of the Sahiliyya order who led Muslims   against   the   British   and Italians in Somalia from 1899 to 1920; the Qadiri Shaikh  'Uthman  ibn Fodio who led Jihad in Northern Nigeria from 1804  to  1608  to  establish  Islam rule:  the Qadiri Shaikh  'Abdul Qadir al  Jazaa'iri,  who  led  the Algerians against the French from 1832 to 1947;  the Darqawi faqir Al Hajj Muhammad al Ahrash, who fought the French In Egypt In  1799;  the Tijaani  Sheikh al  Hajj Umar  Tal  who  led  Islamic  Jihad  in Guinea, Senegal, and Mali from 1852 to 1864;  and  the  Qadiri  Shaikh  Ma'al 'Aynayn al Qalqami. who helped marshal Muslim resistance to the French in northern   Mauritania   and   southern Morocco from 1905 to 1909?”


Try as we might we were unable to come  up  with  one  example  of  some 'Alim,  Maulana,  Shaikh etc  from among those  who hold  Wahhaabi  belief  that had participated in Jihad to liberate ' Islamic  land  from Kuffar domination We could find no Muslim Commander who waged   Jihad   against   any   Kufr occupying force,   we could not  find one  'Alim  from  among  those  holding Wahhaabi  beliefs  who  wrote  on  the necessity of doing Jihad against  occupying Kafr forces anywhere.   The only examples we found of Wahhaabi fighting was that of the Wahhaabi under the command of the  British     forces     fighting    against     the    Uthmaani ( Ottoman  )  Khilafate, siding with the enemies of Islam to destroy  the Khilafate  and  to  segment  the  Muslim world ( divide and conquer ).


Recent history in the Gulf region bears out the relationship the Wahhaabi movement and its champions, the present rulers of Arabia have with the western Kafr New World Order.  The Wahhaabi   Movement has much courage when it is assisted by its   masters against Muslims, yet has never and most likely will never support   Islamic    Jihaad against any Kafr regime




Commenting on  how to distinguish  the Ulama of the Dunya and the 'Ulama    of the Akhira  (  Hereafter  ) Al  Imam Ghazzali[4]  Rahmatullah  alaihi  in  “Al Kitab ul 'Ilm” ( The Book of Knowledge ) says;


"By the learned men of this world we mean the teachers of falsehood whose   sole   purpose   in   pursuing knowledge is to enjoy the luxuries of this life and to achieve power and position among people.   The Prophet (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said:


"The most severely punished of all men on the Day of Resurrection will be the  learned  man  whom  Allah  has  not blessed  with  His  knowledge; "  and again, '"No man will be learned unless he puts his knowledge into practice."


Such  men  are  in  fact  thieves  of Imaan because the ami  (non  'Alim) comes to them  thinking them to  be men of Deen, seeking a guide to the way of Allahu ta  'ala.   These false ‘ulama mislead the unsuspecting Muslims down the path of Imaani destruction.  These ‘ulama give opinions based on their lowly unchecked desires, lead others astray and are themselves astray.




Just as the Evil 'Ulama are guilty of snatching the Imaan  and Love of  Allahu  ta  'ala  and  the  Sunnah  of Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim from the hearts of the Muslims. So too the 'Ulama ul Haqq who remain silent and voiceless also contribute to the corruption of the   Imaan of the Muslims.   In every age Allahu ta 'ala raised up such Islamic scholars who defended Deen with sword and pen.


These scholars were foremost with doing Jihaad with the pen and with the sword.   They never faltered in their efforts   to   protect   the   Ummati Muhammadi   from   the perverse   and corrupt ideas and beliefs of upstart Batil (false) movements, be they Shia, Qadiani, Mu'tazila, Qaadiriyya, Wahhaabi/Salafiyya etc.   They met the challenge and defeated these batil groups.


Among the 'Ulama who adhere to Ahl As Sunnah Practice and Belief, we  have very few who are active in defending this  Deen  ul  Haqq  either  through  writing responses to these batil sects and their corrupt beliefs or through giving waaz  (  lectures  ) concerning the  dangers  of  reading  such  sects literature or by associating with such evil men.  The 'Ulama have been remiss In performing their duties and Allahu ta ‘ala   has   reserved   a   special punishment for them.  The ahadith are replete with descriptions of their punishment in the next world.   The ‘Ulama ul Haqq must realize that by remaining silent they sanction the corruption these false groups are spreading.  The 'Ulama ul Haqq who have correct knowledge are guilty by way of silence.


There are many qualified 'Ulama, adherents of Ahl as Sunnah wal Jam’aat living in the United States and Canada. Some are American by birth who were blessed by Allahu ta ‘ala with the opportunity to study with the 'Ulama of Ahl as Sunnah Wal Jam’aat in Muslim countries.  There are also 'Ulama  who have  traveled  to  this country  and taken   up   positions   at   Islamic Institutions,  Maracas etc, qualified to refute the batil beliefs of  the  modernist  and  the  Wahhaabi movement.  If  the  'Ulama  feel  they   cannot write and use their names for fear of attack by  Federal  Agencies at   the   behest   of   the   Wahhaabi/Salafiyya Movement,  then the least  they should do is publish with a nom de plume pen name ) or publish without using name at all.




Hadhrat   Sayyid A’isha Rathi Allahu ta ala anha says:


"Once Nabi Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim entered the house and I guessed from his face that something of great importance had happened to him.   He did not talk to anyone and after making wudhu he entered the Masjid.   I stood behind the wall to hear what he had to say.   He sat on the member and after praising Allah he said;


 "0 mankind indeed Allah commands you to do good and prevent them  from sinning,  otherwise a  time will come when you will pray to Him but  He  will  not  listen  to  you;  you will ask for your needs of Him and He will not grant then:  You will demand help from Him against your enemies, but  He  will  not  help  you." After saying this he came down."                                                               Ibn Maajah




Wa Maa ‘Alaynaa Illal Balaaghul Mubeen

[1] From: Kashf ul Mahjub  of Data Ganj Bakhsh  ‘Ali Hujwiri

[2] No disrespect is intended by repeating the slanderous phrase of Bilal Philips. We merely repeat it to make the reader aware of the lengths these types will go to discredit the true Awliyaa   and ‘Ulama

[3] ‘Umdat al Saalik  The Reliance of the Traveller:  A classic manual of Islamic Sacred Law by Ahmad ibn Naqib al Misri (D.760/1368) in Arabic with facing English text, commentary and appendices edited and translated by Noah Ha Mim Keller, 1991

[4] The Wahhaabi/Salafiyya area very fond of attacking Al Imam Ghazzali. Their attempts to discredit is a kin to spitting at the moon. No matter how fervently they attempt to reach it, the filth only flies back in their faces.

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Last modified: 08/29/06