Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "Make Ziyaarat (frequent) of the graveyard, for verily, visiting the graves diminishes the love of this world and makes (one) remember the Aakhirat." When visiting the graveyard (cemetery) endeavour to establish in the heart the transitory and perishable nature of the world. Reflect on the condition of the dead - that like we are today walking around the earth. So were these inmates of the graves; and, one day we too will be lying there buried under sand. In order to achieve this purpose which is explained in the above Hadith, it is best that you visit the cemetery alone. Do not visit the cemetery in a group or gathering, for then, you will not attain this noble purpose, viz., diminishing of the love of the world from the heart and the remembrance of the hereafter. Upon reaching the graveyard recite the Dua which Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Companions were in the habit of reciting. The Dua is: Assalaamu alaikum ahlad diyaar minas mumineena wal muslimeena. Wa innaa Inshaa'allahu bikum la-laahikoon. Nas alul laaha lanaa waial kumul aafiyah.Translation: May the Peace (of Allah) be upon you, O people of this land (the graveyard), who are among the Believers! Insha Allah, we too shall (soon) be joining you. We ask Allah protection for you and for ourselves. Once you have recited this Dua or any other similar Dua recorded in the Ahadith, you will have discharged your duty and fulfilled the right which the inmates of the graves had over you. At the same time you, will be executing the practice commanded in the above-stated Hadith. If you have time, it is meritorious to recite some parts from the Quraan Shareef and ask Allah Ta'ala to accept the recital and bestow the Sawaab on the dead. Reciting of Surah Yaseen, Surah Mulk, and Surah Ikhlaas have been specially mentioned in the Hadith. The above method is the simple and pure way in which Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and his Sahaba discharged the duty of making ziyaarat of the cemetery. There is no other ceremony or custom to be observed. From the Ahadith we learn that there are three reasons for visiting the cemetery, viz.
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