Al-Majallah al-Ahkam al-‘Adaliyyah
An ‘Uthmani Hanafi Shari’ah-Court Text,
26 Sha’baan, 1293 AH
Table of Contents
Book 1: Sale
Chapter 1: The Contract of Sale.
Section 1: Fundamental Basis of Sale.
Section 2: Agreement of Acceptance With Offer.
Section 3: The Place Where the Sale is Concluded.
Section 4: Sale Subject to a Condition.
Section 5: Rescission of the Sale.
Chapter 2: The Subject Matter of the Sale.
Section 1: Conditions Affecting the Subject Matter of the Sale and Description.
Section 2: Things that may and may not be sold.
Section 3: The Procedure at the Sale.
Section 4: Matters Included but not Explicitly Mentioned in the Sale.
Chapter 3: Matters Relating to Price.
Section 1: Nature of and Circumstances Affecting Price.
Section 2: Sale Subject to Payment at a Future Date.
Chapter 4: Power to Deal with the Price and the Thing Sold After the Sale.
Section 1: Right of Vendor to Dispose of the Price and of the Purchaser to Dispose of the Thing Sold After the Conclusion of the Contract and Prior to Delivery.
Section 2: Increase and Decrease in the Price and in the Thing Sold After the Conclusion of the Contract.
Chapter 5: Giving and Taking Delivery.
Section 1: Procedure on Giving and Taking Delivery.
Section 2: Right of Retention over the Item Sold.
Section 3: The Place of Delivery.
Section 4: Expenses Connected with Delivery.
Section 5: Destruction of the Item Sold.
Section 6: Sale on Approval and Subject to Inspection.
Chapter 6: Options
Section 1: Contractual Options.
Section 2: Option for Misdescription.
Section 3: Option as to Payment.
Section 4: Option as to Selection.
Section 5: Option as to Inspection.
Section 6: Option for Defect.
Section 7: Misrepresentation and Deceit.
Chapter 7: Various Categories of Things Sold and the Effect Thereof.
Section 1: Types of Sale.
Section 2: Effect of Various Kinds of Sale.
Section 3: Sale by Immediate Payment Against Future Delivery.
Section 4: Contract of Manufacture and Sale.
Section 5: Sale by a Person Suffering from a Mortal Sickness.
Section 6: Sale Subject to a Right of Redemption.
Book 2: Hire
Book 3: Guarantee
Book 4: Transfer of Debt
Chapter 1: The Contract of Transfer of Debt.
Section 1: The Fundamental Basis of a Transfer of Debt.
Section 2: Conditions Relating to Transfer of Debt.
Chapter 2: The Effect of a Contract for the Transfer of Debt.
Book 5: Pledges
Chapter 1: Matters Relating to the Contract of Pledge.
Section 1: Fundamental Basis of the Contract of Pledge.
Section 2: Conditions Incidental to a Contract of Pledge.
Section 3: Matters Attached to the Pledge: Change and Increase.
Chapter 2: Pledgor and Pledgee.
Chapter 3: The Pledge.
Section 1: Preservation of the Pledge and Expenses Connection Therewith.
Section 2: Pledge of Borrowed Articles.
Chapter 4: Fundamental Rules Relating to a Pledge.
Section 1: General.
Section 2: Rights of the Pledgor and Pledgee Over the Pledge.
Section 3: Deposit of the Pledge with a Bailee.
Section 4: Sale of the Pledge.
Book 6: Trust and trusteeship
Book 7: Gift
Chapter 1: Matters Relating to the Contract of Gift.
Section 1: Fundamental Basis and Receipt of Gift.
Section 2: Conditions Attaching to a Gift.
Chapter 2: Fundamental Rules Relating to a Gift.
Section 1: Revocation of a Gift.
Section 2: Gifts Made During the Course of Mortal Sickness.
Book 8: Wrongful Appropriation and Destructions
Book 9: Interdiction, Constraint and Pre-emption
Book 10: Joint Ownership
Book 11: Agency
Book 12: Settlement and Release
Chapter 1: Conclusion of a Contract of Settlement and Release.
Chapter 2: The Consideration and Subject Matter of the Settlement.
Chapter 3: The Subject Matter of the Settlement.
Section 1: Settlement in Respect to Specific Property.
Section 2: Settlement with Regard to Debt and Other Matters.
Chapter 4: Fundamental Conditions Governing Settlement and Release.
Section 1: Fundamental Conditions Governing Settlement.
Section 2: Fundamental Conditions Governing Release.
Book 13: Admissions
Book 14: Actions
Book 15: Evidence and Administration of an Oath
Book 16: Administration of Justice by the Courts
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Last modified: 08/29/06