The Reality of Dunya
Dunya is like a floating shadow, like a guest who stayed overnight and went his way, like a dream beheld by a dreamer, like lightning which flashes on the horizons of your hopes. Dunya is like an Inn, where a traveler stays for the night and then leaves in the morning.

by Imam El-Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Jilani El-Hashimi:

Dunya (worldly aspirations, charms, and possessions) is so insignificant before Almighty Allah that He has hardly made any mention of it in the Holy Qur’an, save for a few times, and even then it is with contempt. For instance, there is a writing that “If Allah had any regard for this world, even as much as a wing of a mosquito, then the Kuffar would not have been able to get a single drop of water.” The Holy Last Messenger (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) has said, Dunya is a Mal’oon (curse), and whatever is in it as well. The Mu’min is allowed to use it as much as he needs it for his journey as a traveler. The great Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullahi ‘alaih) has said:

The way water is necessary for a boat, similarly Dunya is necessary for a Mu’min, but remember as long as water is under the boat it will float, but if water comes inside of the boat, then it will sink the boat.
By this is meant that if worldly aspirations (waters) enter the heart (boat) of a Mu’min, it will weaken his Iman, but at the same time he must have enough provisions to live honorably and without depending on anybody, and to look after the legitimate needs of his family members.


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Last modified: 08/29/06