(Introduction to Holy Qur'an)


Qur’an (    ) is derived from three letters,       Qaf, Ra and Alif

Qiraat is also derived from the same root.

Qaari also derived from the same root, it means one who does the recitation


Qiraat has two meanings,

1. that which is read.

2. that which is compiled.

In its very meaning it foretells that this.  Book will be read for all times to come.  There is prophecy in the meaning of the Holy Qur'an.  No other book can be called Qur'an.  Maulana Jalaaluddin Sayuti Rahmatullah alaihi in “Al ltqaan " has included 55 names of Holy Qur'an such as



Like all languages, the basic unit of Holy Qur'an is called Harf (letter).  In addition, with a combination of letters (Huroof) a word is made.  With a combination of some words an Ayah (     ) is made. 

Ayah means line or verse.  Its literal meaning is "sign".  Ayah is called a sign because it is a challenge for all to produce a live of Holy Qur'an.  Therefore it is a living miracle; each line (ayah) is a miraculous challenge.  The combination of many “ayah” (   ) or lines forms a Ruku' (     ) which means chapter or section.  A combination of Ruku'aat (        ) or sections form a Sura (      ) which means, enclosure, height, boundary, meaning thereby that it is an independent chapter.  A Sura can be very long such as Suratul Baqara (           ) containing forty Ruku'aat.  It can also be very brief, such as Suratul Kauthar which is comprised of only three ayaah.


There are 114 Suwar (chapters) in the Holy Qur'an.  Eighty six were sent down at Mekkatul Mukarramah and twenty eight were sent down at Madinatul Munawwarah.  The Holy Qur'an contains 30 Juz'un (   ) or parts.  Each part (or Juz) containing one or more Suwar.  Some contain sections of the longest Sura, Al Baqara.


The Holy Qur'an is also divided into seven Manaazil (  ) which means, a building or stage, meaning that the Holy Qur'an is derived or built of seven stages.  The following are the details of each Manzil (stage),


Manzil # 1: Suratul Fatiha to Suratun Nisaa

Manzil # 2: Suratul Maa'ida to Suratul Taubah.

Manzil # 3: Suratul Yunus to Suratul Nahl.

Manzil # 4: Suratul Bani Israaeel to Suratul Furqaan.

Manzil # 5: Suratul Shuraa to Suratul Yaseen.

Manzil # 6: Suratul Saffat to Suratul Hujuraat.

Manzil ft 7: Suratul Qaf to Suratul Naas.






Sending down (Nazool) of the Holy Qur'an from the heavens is generally called "revelation" (which is an inappropriate word to convey the sense of the word Nazool or sending down of the Holy Qur’an).  Though linguistically, Nazool (      ) means “descending ", as an Islamic term is only applied to the coming down of a message from Almighty Allahu ta 'ala from the heavens upon some Messenger directly, through a dream or from an Angel.  Therefore the word Nazool has no substitute in any other language.  The word "Revelation” could not convey the clarity of the use of the word.  Revelation has a very vague sense of meaning, which can also be attributed to a message received by anyone such as palm readers, shaytanic sorcerers etc.  Therefore the students of Holy Qur'an should not use the word revelation but use Nazool, the coming down.  The Holy Qur'an has been called Tanzil, which means" a thing sent down gradually".  We observe that it is written in the Holy Qur'an that:

"Ramadhan is the month in which the Qur'an was sent down...."


In another ayah Allahu ta 'ala states the Kaafir says:   “Why isn't the entire Holy Qur’an sent down upon this Nabiyy?"  Allahu ta 'ala says:   " It is because we desire to strengthen thy Qalb (      ).  Therefore we have recited it with Tartil (      ) In slow rhythmic measures (observing the rules of Tajweed).


We find that the Holy Qur'an was transferred from the Lawhul Mahfuth (during the month of Ramadhan and then later on, gradually Allahu ta 'ala used to recite it in Tartil (measured) manner to the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim himself.  He would recite Holy Qur'an to the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim or Hadhrat Jibreel ' alaihi salaam would recite it.




According to Ummul Mu'mineen Sayyida A'isha Siddiqah Rathiallahu anha,  in the beginning Wahy (      ) the transmission of Holy Qur'an or the sending down of Holy Qur'an us to take place through true dream and whatever he ( Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim ) would behold at night would come true the following day.  The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim also started withdrawing himself from the people and started retiring into the cave of Hiraa, three miles away from Makkah.  He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim used to contemplate (Dhikr) until he turned forty years of age.  We find that in the month of Ramadhan in the same year while he was engaged in Dhikr, an angel (Jibreel alaihi salaam) appeared in the cave and told him “Iqraa" (      ) Read!  The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim replied, “Maa ana biqaaree (I don't know reading)".  Therefore the angel Jibreel alaihi salaam embraced him with firmness and said; "Iqraa (     ) The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim gave the same reply again.  (   Maa ana biqaaree)  Hadhrat Jibreel Alaihi salaam embraced him thrice in the same manner until the following words came out from the Blessed tongue of the Holy Last Messenger of Allahu ta ‘ala Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.



Read with the Name of your Rabb who Created.



Created man from a clot.



Read, and thy Rabb is Most Generous,



Whom taught by the Pen,




Taught Mankind that which he knew not.


Afterwards He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim reached home very excited and worried.  He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim was also shivering and drenched with his own sweat.  In his heart he was afraid the Shaytan (may Allah curse him) may have appeared to him.  Therefore Ummul Mu’mineen Sayyida Khadijatul Kubraa Rathiallahu anha took him to one of her uncles, Waraqa bin Nufail who was a pious Christian Priest.  He told that that there was nothing to worry about and that what the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim had seen was Namus (               ) Hadhrat Jibreel who had been sent by Allahu ta ‘ala to all past Messengers.  Waraqa also inform him that his people would expel him from his city and Waraqa confirmed many other signs found by him in the Taurah and Injeel.




No Wahy was sent down for the next few months, (some say from   six months to two years).  Evidently, the descent, Nazool ul Wahy, (the transmission of Holy Qur’an) was started.  One day while the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim was laying wrapped in a black chaddar the following was sent down;



O One wrapped up (in Thy mantle),


Arise and Warn,


And magnify your Rabb,


And purify your garments,



And shun abomination,


And do not do favors expecting a return,


And with Your Rabb be patient (exercise Sabr).


Though Wahy began with "Iqraa" (read) as the first Wahy sent down, after that a gap of six month to two years took place.  This is called the Fatara Period, the period between the sending down of Iqraa and Muddathir.  This is the   stage    which means “to increase the longing"   in Sufi terminology.  The longer the wait the greater the Nisbah with Allahu ta 'ala is established either through an angel of some Wali (Friend of Allahu ta ‘ala).  This is a state wherein one detaches himself from everything and is absorbed in one single idea.  When a lover forgets everything and is totally absorbed in his Beloved or the object.




It was during this stage that Allah ta 'ala laid down the methodology of giving Awash to us.  Even though the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim is being addressed we know Allahu ta 'ala has exhorted the Mu'mineen to follow the example of the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  As said earlier, the principles, methodology of giving Da'wah by the individual in a kaafir society is being presented before all of us practically, through the person of Al Qur'an ( the Living and Talking Holy Qur'an ), the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim himself.  We should not forget that all the suffering and test and trials which he confronted and which he had borne with patience (sabr) are all meant to prepare us for following in his foot steps.


Allah Subhanahu wa ta 'ala finds The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim taking rest, lying in his bed comfortably wrapped.  He is told to rise up (Qum!)  leave your bed and your comfort and take a stand for your convictions.  Warn the Mushrikeen (idol worshippers) and kafireen (the rejecters of truth).  He Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim is told that under -all circumstances he should   glorify his Rabb (Wa Rabbuka fakabbir).  Remember that the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim is commanded to start his mission in a most oppressive society.  This was a society of such cruel people that you have hardly any community with which to compare them.  The pagan Arabs were so cruel that they would bury their daughters alive.  ) They were so licentious that they would never marry, granting the woman the honor of being a wife.  They were so ignorant, they worshipped 360 idols'   Name any evil and it was present among these pagans.  There were also the Quraish amongst them who considered themselves the Chiefs.



In the whole of Arabi no one believed in the One Almighty Allah except The Blessed person whom Allahu ta 'ala was preparing to declare the Greatness and Oneness of His person, that the slogan would be,




We must understand that here is one individual living alone amongst the kuffar.  However, he had enough Imaan and the promises of Allahu ta 'ala.  It is obligatory for him to unwrap himself, that is, come out of the comfortable life, and declare, openly,




(Allah is The Greatest Allah is One!)  in addition, all else is falsehood.  He should totally disregard every imaginable resistance from the rejecters which are the Mushrikeen (   ) and the Kafireen (   ).  Once he prepares himself for giving Da'wah he must prepare himself for the next command, that is, (Wa Thiyaabaka Fatahhir) be free from stains (purify your clothes).


According to Hadhrat lbn Abbas Rathiallahi anhu, first one should purify oneself, wear clean and tidy dress outwardly and inwardly, meaning thereby getting rid of haughtiness, anger jealousy, hatred and avarice





And shun abomination


by which is meant "Do not even go near the sins", also leave all such beliefs and deeds which might be displeasing to Allahu ta 'ala.



And don't do favors expecting a return.


by which according to Hadrat Hasan al Basri Rathiallahu anh is meant, when you give something to the needy, do not make it burdensome (by later on reminding the person of the charity or by expecting a favor in return for the act).  It also means that if you give, do not expect people to honor you.



And for your Rabb observe patience.



The Daa'ee (    ) is the person who gives Da'wah, calls people to Allahu ta 'ala, "warns and prepares them.  He opposes and suffers lots of hardships from the hands of the disbelievers and the enemies of Allahu ta 'ala.  He should be prepared to bear every possible hardship, suffering, oppression, humiliation, with patience, and with that, never ceasing in his efforts to give Da'wah.

The struggle must go on until his last breath.  Under no circumstance should he change his mission.  He must live and die " Calling to the truth (  ).  There is no excuse for a Daa’ee that he is alone, nor that he is facing a great multitude because with every Daa’ee goes Allah's promise of Nasr wal Path (Help and Victory).

These are some of the principles and lessons which in fact are the very beginning of The Holy Qur'an.  These form the very basis of the ideology of the Holy Qur'an because time and again Allahu ta 'ala says that.  He is with us and the Mu'mineen should fear Him and no one else.  They should believe in His Fath and Nasr (victory and help).  He has surrounded all the kuffar whom He is driving, like cattle towards Jahannam (hell fire).  They neither have sense nor goals and they are worse than animals and no Mu'min should ever be afraid of them.

With these few lines the Holy Qur'an begins and prepares the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, and with him an example has been presented   for us to follow in his foot steps.  We know how he suffered and how he stood on the top of Koohi Safaa (Mount Safaa) and called the Makkan Quraish.  We find that straight away he did not warn them of   the coming of the Last Day,   and athaab (torment) of the Mushrikeen (idol worshippers).  Being established in the society as " Al Ameen (the Trustworthy), honest, he asked them that " If I tell you that right behind this hill, an army was about to march on you, would you believe that?  They all said, " Yes, why not?

He then said: " I warn you of a day when every dead shall be raised, and stood before the Almighty, and where the deeds good and bad will be judged and those disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah shall go to the Fire (Jahannam ").The crowd dispersed saying bad things about him.  Some mocked him and some said he was possessed (by an evil jinn).  The lesson is that the Daa’ee should use tact, or make some story so that the whole thing will not become apparent.  Last but not least, his person should be without reproach.  Clean and tidy   outwardly and inwardly and well respected in the society (at least in the beginning).

The whole Holy Qur'an is a story of all those Blessed Messengers and Wall's (Awliya) and what happened when they gave Da'wah, and how Allah helped them overcome the opposition.  These stories have been told to strengthen the Imaan of the Mu'mineen so that they rely totally on Allahu ta 'ala (Tawakkil) with strength and conviction, and go through this life expressing " Allahu Akbar, Laa ilea ill Allah.  Based on this, the Holy Last Messenger rose and gave Da'wah to the Quraish and warned them.


We know that for the next 13 years the Holy Qur'an was sent down to Makkatul Mukarramah and then for ten years at Madinatul Munawwarah, until the time the Holy Last Messenger performed his last Hajj (pilgrimage).  On the Ninth of Zil Hijja the following ayat was sent down:


This day, I have Perfected for you your Deen



And completed upon you My Favors,


And chosen for you Al Islam as your Deen.


When this ayah was sent down the Holy Companions Rithwan Allahu alaihim ajma'in knew that the time for the Holy Last Messenger of Allah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim to depart unto Allahu ta 'ala had arrived.  With the following ayah the last of the Holy Qur'an was completed:


“And fear (save yourself) on the day you shall be returned to Allah, Then will every soul be completely paid (what it has earned), And they will not be wronged.  2:281


Regarding the order (sequence) of the Suwar of the Holy Qur'an in the order they appear is called Tarteeb (     ).  As we have explained above, the last ayah to be sent down was in Suratul Baqara 281 and the first being Suratul Alaq 1-7.  Therefore we see that the Nazool of Holy Qur’an occurred in a different order than the order we see in the Holy Qur’an because we see the chronological order is different from the present order we find in the Holy Qur’an now.  We see that Al Fatiha is the first and An Nas is the last.  Therefore we know that the Tarteeb (          ) or order in which the Nazool took place is called Nazool          It Tarteeb, and the order in which it appears in the present form is  called Waqoofee (  ) which means to acquaint.


 Allahu ta ‘ala informed the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim through Hadhrat Jibreel Alaihi salaam to place some ayaah in some particular order according to their subject matter.  Thus the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim on receiving such instructions would instruct the Khatun (Scriber of Wahy) to write in that prescribed order.  In addition, a large number of the Holy Companions of the Holy Las Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim would memorize the Holy Qur’an or part of the Holy Qur’an.  Whenever the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim would inform them of the new Nazool they would memorize that portion of Holy Qur’an.  In addition they would memorize in the order told them by the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  In the famous book of Hadith “ Al Jami’us Sahih” of Al Imam Muhammad ibn Isa at Tirmidhi (Rahmatullah alaih) there is a tradition quoted by Sayyidinaa Uthman Rathiallahu ta ‘ala anh who said whenever the Nazool of any ayah took place upon the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim he would call the Scriber of Wahy (           ) and would tell them to include that ayah in such and such Sura, at such and such place.

By and large most of the Holy Companions Rathiallahu anhumma had memorized Holy Qur’an by the time the Nazool of the last ayat took place.  Though some of them who could write and did write the entire          Holy Qur’an on parchments of tree bark and animal shoulder bones camels ), but it was not bound in book form.  The Need to preserve Holy Qur’an was felt when a large number of Huffaz were Martyred in the Jihaad of Yamaamah.  The Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique Rathiallahu anhu consulted Hazrat Umar Rathiallahu anhu who actually told him that he was afraid that in the future wars many more Huffaz might be martyred.  Therefore in order to preserve Holy Qur’an, He persuaded Hazrat Abu Bakr to give an order to compile Holy Qur’an in book form.  But Hazrat Abu Bakr said to Hazrat Umar Rathiallahu anhumma that it was not done by the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and that he would not do it either.

Eventually we find however that the Holy Companions agreed, and then the compilation was prepared roughly in a book form.  These copies of Holy Qur’an stayed with Hazrat Abu Bakr until he died.  Then they were passed on to Hazrat Umar Rathiallahu alaihim ajma’in and after that to Hazrat Bibi Hafsah Bint Hazrat Umar.

As mentioned above, Hazrat Abu Bakr Rathiallahu anhu was very reluctant to preserve and compile Holy Qur’an, that is, in book form.  Though Hazrat Umar had been urging that something had to be done since so many Huffaz were being martyred.  Later on Hazrat Abu Bakr Rathiallahu anhu agreed with the proposal given to him by Hazrat Umar Rathiallahu anhu saying “ That Allahu Subhana wa ta ‘ala in regard to Holy Qur’an prevailed upon my chest ( heart) and therefore I formed the same opinion as that of Hazrat Umar Rathiallahu anhu (According to Divine Communication/Ilhaam).“

Thus he formed a board under the Chairmanship of Hazrat Zaid Rathiallahu anhu whom himself was a Hafidh and authority on the Nazool and ayaah of the Holy Qur’an.  Therefore, according to the command of Hazrat Abu Bakr Holy Qur’an was collected from the Holy Companions Rathiallahu alaihim ajma’in for scrutiny and technical study and copy.  Nevertheless, for every written Sura Hazrat Zaid always demanded evidence of two Huffaz, to verify that the text written was the same as that heard from the blessed tongue of the Holy Last Messenger of Allah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim.  Once this was verified and confirmed, the scribes would commit it to writing.  There fore a master copy properly written and bound was prepared and duly presented to Hazrat Abu Bakr Rathiallahu anhu.


Rathiallahu ta ‘ala anhu

During the reign of Hazrat Uthman Rathiallahu anhu the Khilaafat expanded tremendously.  Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, and a great part of the Roman Empire were conquered.  With this, another difficulty arose and that was the changing dialect of the Holy Qur’an.

As we are aware, that though the English language is the same language spoken all over the U.S. and Great Britain, we see that the dialect varies from place to place.  Sometimes it becomes difficult to understand though the language is the same.  This is precisely the problem that occurred regarding dialect.  The recitation Qiraat ) and pronunciation ( Makharaj ) of the people of Yemen was different from that of Iraq, the Iraqi differed from that of Iran, the Irani differed from that of the Syrian and that differed from the Egyptian and so on.  Therefore disputes started regarding the proper dialect.

Therefore the Muslims from Azerbaijan went to Hazrat Uthman Rathiallahu anhu saying “ 0 Amirul Mu’mineen do something about the ummah before they start disputing regarding Holy Qur’an like the Jews and Christians dispute about their book.  Therefore Hazrat ‘Uthman asked for the Mashaaf (Hand written text) from Ummul Mu’mineen Hazrat Bibi Hafsa Rathiallahu anhu which was compiled during the reign of Khalifa Hazrat Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu anhu.  He then formed a board of three Holy Companions under Hazrat Zaid Bin Thaabit rathiallahu anhu who was assisted by Hadhrat Sa’id and Hadhrat Abdur Rahman.  For quite some time they worked very hard and prepared the holy Qur’anic text in the dialect of the Quraish whose dialect the original was sent down.  A master copy was prepared and a copying department was established.  Official copies were sent to all the provinces of the Islamic Government along with Qurrah (experts in Qur’anic recitation).  People were forbidden to recite Holy Qur’an in any other dialect.  It became the standard for all the times to come.

Please understand that the Mashaaf of Hadhrat ‘Uthman Radhi Allahu anhu was the same which Hadhrat Abu Bakr Radhi Allahu anhu had so meticulously prepared, having been memorized in the order instructed by the Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallim.  The Mashaaf of Hadhrat ‘Uthman is actually the Mashaaf of The Holy Last Messenger Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallim as nothing was added or taken out while compiling or committing it to writing


(Work still in progress please be patient)




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Copyright © 1996 Al Adaab: Living Islam According to the Minhaj of the True Salaf as Salihoon
Last modified: 08/29/06